Sunday 12 August 2012

Brittany journal - day 6

29/5 - Day 6 – miles cycled = 55, total so far 193.

Another good nights sleep and another sunny morning.  I had tea and croissants and packed up.  The plan for today was to cycle along the Nantes Brest canal to Mur De Bretagne on the shore of Lac Du Guirledan – a lively looking place (according to the Rough Guide) approx. 45 miles away.  After saying my goodbyes I was away by 9.30. 

Apart from somehow getting lost at Pontivy and following the wrong canal for 3 miles all went well.  The Nantes Brest canal is truly beautiful and is rural France at its best – peace personified with mile after mile of stunning unspoiled countryside and abundant wildlife.  With my wrong turning I ended up cycling 55 miles – possibly the best 55 miles cycling I’ve ever done, I enjoyed every mile (even the 6 I did on the wrong canal).

Yesterday Scott told me of an open campsite and gave me directions.  It was easily found, a quiet site close to the lake (7 Euros and 1 Euro 80 for a well deserved almond magnum).  I’d half expected a call from Chris and Mike to say that they were headed my way and the call came late afternoon and they arrived early evening.

Mike and Chris

I rode into town expecting what the Rough Guide calls ‘a lively town’ to find everything closed – even the bars.  Bad news.  Back to the campsite to eat my emergency food – dried spag bol, emergency chocolate and half of my breakfast croissant.  After which Chris, Mike and I sat about talking about all sorts, including hamburger roundabouts, food and cycle and camping equipment (of which they have loads – including a kitchen sink!) before retiring to my tent at 10.45 to plan my next move.

I can either head north to the coast and crawl east or retrace my steps to enjoy another ride along the canal and more time in Josselin. Either way I will probably stay here for another night to explore the lake tomorrow (and to buy loads of food for tomorrow night in case the town is closed again).

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